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ricerca di: Thesiger Wilfred - Libri recensiti: 7

A Vanished World di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: The visual drama of Arabia's deserts was the backdrop to Thesiger's emergence as a master of the portrait. In that harsh environment he captures the striking faces of Bedu companions posing unselfconsciously for his camera. In contrast, tranquil images of reeds, lagoons, and waterways characterize his matchless portraits of the Marsh Arabs of Iraq, whose way of life has now completely disappeared. Subsequent journeys took him to remote areas of Kurdistan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and finally to northern Kenya, where he lived for many years. This book is the summation of a unique and magnificent career.

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Arabian Sands di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Read it to understand the places we are sending our troops, or read it to be taken away completely from whatever troubles your urban or susburban psyche, but read Arabian Sands.

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Quando gli arabi vivevano sull'acqua di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Per secoli e secoli il sud dell'Iraq è stato caratterizzato dalla presenza di paludi. In primavera le nevi che si scioglievano sulle cime più alte della Persia e della Turchia, facevano andare in piena il Tigri e l'Eufrate e le paludi erano il risultato secolare dell'inondazione e della dispersione dei due fiumi.

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Sabbie arabe di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Thesiger è l'ultimo tra i grandi viaggiatori britannici ad aver esplorato l'Empty Quarter, il deserto dei deserti, il solo luogo in cui "si può trovare la pace della solitudine". "Sabbie arabe" è il resoconto dei suoi viaggi in un arco di tempo che va dal 1946 al 1950.

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Across the Empty Quarter di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Allows readers to travel both around the planet and back through the centuries - but also back into ideas and worlds frightening, ruthless and cruel in different ways from our own.

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Desert, marsh and Mountain di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: This is a collection of Wilfred Thesiger's greatest journeys - in the Empty Quarter of Arabia, the marshes of Iraq, the mountains of the Hindu Kush and Kurdistan, and the Yemen - illustrated with Thesiger's own photographs.

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The marsh arabs di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Wilfred Thesiger's classic account of the eight years he spent living with the tribespeople of the Marshes of Iraq. First published in 1964 to great acclaim, this book by one of the century's greatest explorers describes a way of life which lasted for thousands of years, but has now all but vanished. Travelling with his medicine boxes and his teams of canoemen around the junction between the Tigris and the Euphrates, Thesiger visited nearly every village in the Central Marshes and came to know intimately the people who inhabit this landscape of islands, lakes and waterways, living with them in their reed houses and sharing their unique way of life.

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